Crtomir Just


Crtomir Just is a 3D graphic designer and artist who lives and works in Slovenia. He creates digital works whose prints appeal to a wide range of customers around the world. This singular artist has specialised in the fields of graphic design, brand strategy, architectural visualisation and digital art since 2008. Today, he works mostly as artistic director at the studio FRANCFRANC. Crtomir’s work is very colourful, sometimes committed, always fascinating. For example, he is well-known for his 3D series Gold which represents various products as they would be if they were literally made of gold. This series is puzzling and intriguing by how it questions our senses, and more precisely how it disrupts our way of apprehending objects by suggesting a whole new material meaning.

When it comes to explaining his interest in digital art, he likes to say that “the most interesting thing is to first interpret and then actually see what pure data looks like when viewed in a particular way. Instead of being mere numbers, they truly have a soul, of which you are the creator."