This selection of artworks demonstrates how digital artists treat the topics of history and heritage in different ways, utilising diverse techniques to achieve their intended messages. An overarching interrogation point for many of these artists is: how can history be reconsidered, reappropriated, or rewritten through the biais of new technologies?
For artists such as the French collective Obvious, or Japanese artist Saeko Ehara, for example, using AI technology is a means to revisit the past and reinterpret it through visual co-creations with the machine. Elsewhere, Joelle McTigue creates abstracted works based on her own photography of various architectural and botanical subject matter where she lives in Montenegro, and in so doing recounts the economic, political and colonial histories of this location. Other artists such as Marine Bléhaut or Rafafans utilise video or animated collage from historical film archives or artworks to provide a contemporary spin on old source material, touching upon themes of memory, nostalgia, or timelessness.