
Delve into the thought-provoking world of Robotics, a collection in which artists explore the intricate relationship between humans and machines. Addressing collective consciousness, challenging our understanding of what it means to be human in the face of rapid technological advancements, artists put into consideration the very essence of our humanity. Is the human experience replicable, imitable, or even replaceable? Where does the limit stand between what is organic and what is synthetic? As artists confront us with the possibility of creating augmented humans, they urge us to wonder whether robotics enhances or diminishes our existence. Does technology make us better, or worse? Should we fear the rise of robotics, or should we embrace the opportunities they present? Can we create something living, something human, out of machines, as technology develops? In these works, artists address these various questions and offer some answers, tying their practices to the most contemporary of issues.


Ryan Talbot

Turbo Tank - vertical

Ryan Talbot

Gone Fishing

Ryan Talbot

Lily's Journey

Rolands​ Zilvinskis

Instagram Bot Training

Rolands​ Zilvinskis


Rolands​ Zilvinskis


Glitch Black

Skid Row Robot

Glitch Black

Wake Sequence

Glitch Black

RGB Diagnostic

Glitch Black

Night Sprint


Nicole Wu

In Your Game

Nicole Wu

Sky Above

Perry Cooper


Perry Cooper


Perry Cooper

Next Steps

Johann Baron Lanteigne

Manipulation 5