Jump Cut II

Sabrina Ratté

  • Fantasy
  • Architecture

Jump Cut is a six-part cable-access-style web series of streamed collaborations between multidisciplinary international artists. The second episode for the series features Montreal-based electronic musician Marie Davidson, Montreal-based Canadian video artist Sabrina Ratté and Montreal-based choreographer/dancer Dana Gingras. Treating the body like a living sculpture, the emphasis is on capturing the minutiae of movement and morphing the human body back and forth between a virtual body. This dialogue is coupled with sound to create a sense of an altered corporeal reality.

Concept & performance by: Dana Gingras

3D animation by: Sabrina Ratté

Music composed & recorded by: Marie Davidson

Mixing: Pierre Guerineau

Mastering: Jesse Osborne-Lanthier

Set Design: Alex Hercule

3D Scans & Photogrammetry: Yannick Grandmont

Jump Cut conceived by Dana Gingras

Jump Cut produced by Animals Of Distinction

Co-commissioned By: CTM Festival Berlin & Cine Qua Non Media

artwork infos









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