Saskia Freeke is an artist, creative coder, creator of generative works, but also a teacher. Her work focuses on structure, geometry and playfulness. Every day, she creates a digital work of art based on codes that she generates herself. In addition to her graphic works, she is also interested in creating new and tangible interfaces. Based on her daily digital works, she explores ways to make her work tangible (structures cut laser from wood, laser cut paper, printed drawings, etc.). Freeke's research focuses on the cultural aspect of the interface, on the space between man and machine. It aspires to create interactive installations that engage the user in a fun way. The goal is to allow the viewer to explore the machine and see the technology we use every day in a different way.
Saskia has been a Lecturer in Physical Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, and has taught visual design and supervised student projects at the University of the Arts Utrecht School for Games and Interaction. Today, beyond her artistic practice, she also organizes artistic events, workshops and conferences on creative coding and interactive design.