

Nogland is the result of an intense desire for freedom from the restriction of regimented environments and total immersion in self directed learning and experimentation. The artist's pieces can vary from nightmarishly morbid, to whimsically cute - and a highly colorful, occasionally grotesque, surreal style reflects an inner world in which no rules apply. Created with an intent to poke fun at modern day society and standards, Nogland is sure to provoke a lasting reaction, regardless of the viewer's aesthetic opinion.

The artist Nogland is a focused, driven, and creative individual with 15+ years of experience in graphic art and 8+ years in 3D design and large format printing. Nogland possesses valuable knowledge of digital creation programs such as Cinema 4D, Blender, Octane Render, Redshift, and Adobe Creative Cloud which lend a versatile ability to any project.