Who is Artpoint?

ARTPOINT is a Paris-based start-up specialized in the promotion of digital art since 2019. Our mission is to support the best digital artists worldwide and to democratize access to art.

Artpoint enables you to discover, collect and display digital art.

  • Discover

Artpoint represents more than 250 digital artists coming from more than 40 countries has developed a unique collection of more than 3,000 digital artworks ranging from 3D to generative art and photogrammetry.

  • Collect

    We make our community of hand-picked artists available to true patrons and art collectors, and we leverage our expanding exhibition network to showcase NFT collections on screens in places that truly value them.

  • Display

    We offer access to curated selections directly on screen in exchange for a monthly subscription. Our streaming solution is now available for public and private spaces that wish to enrich the experience of the public and beautify their spaces.

ARTPOINT creates a link between NFTs and the real world by bringing them to life in places frequented by the public on a daily basis. We believe that well-executed physical exhibitions of crypto art contribute positively to general public awareness of NFTs, and can only provide value to collectors, artists and viewers alike. With ARTPOINT, NFT art doesn’t just stay locked in a wallet, but comes to life.